Carnegie Hall

Stern Auditorium

April 30, 2011
Steve Reich
Four Newest Pieces

WTC 9/11 (2010) – NY Premiere
Kronos Quartet
Mallet Quartet (2009) – NY Premiere
So Percussion
2×5 (2008) – NY Premiere
Bang on a Can & Friends
Double Sextet (2007)
8th Blackbird & Friends

The New York Premiere of his newest work WTC 9/11, performed by the Kronos Quartet, includes the pre-recorded voices of the air traffic controllers, fire men and survivors of the 9/11 attacks. In addition the New York Premieres of 2×5 for all live rock instruments played by Bang on a Can& friends and Mallet Quartet performed by So Percussion will be presented. Finally Eight Blackbird & friends will give an all live performance of Double Quartet which won the 2009 Pulitzer Prize in music.